Utopia Origin Animal Feed. Wheat Feed (010500) Less that 1 hour 5 minutes Wheat Found in all Plain Biome Areas Hawkstrider Feather Basket Wheatcarrot Feed (120000) Less than 12 hours Hawkstrider feed Found everywhere in Beia Pig None Soybeans Found in all Plain Biome Areas Dog None Meat feed You must use a Collar on a Wolf Cat None Sabertoothed Tiger Feed AnimalProducesInputFuel (time Increase)CowMikBasketWheat Feed (010500)ChickenEggsBasketWheat Feed (010500)SheepWoolBasketWheat Feed (010500)HawkstriderFeatherBasketWheatcarrot Feed (120000).

In Utopia Origin pets take time in producing items So keep patience To start the production go close to a pet (Hearth Animal – Cow Chicken Sheep) > tap the hand icon > tap the produce button > add fuel (use wheat feed as the fuel 1 wheat feed lasts long for about 1 hour).
Utopia: Origin Mounts Guide and Creature Feed Touch, Tap, Play
– Flying Dragon (Feed Dragon Saliva Fruit Rare Meat Feed Spirit Fish) – Green Bird (Red Lotus Onion Uncommon Meat Feed) – Hawkstrider Bird (Feed Carrot Wheat) – Horned Bull (Feed Feed Uncommon Meat Feed) – King Desert Wolf (Feed Rare Meat Feed Potato Raw Lamb Chop) – King Sabre Wolf (Feed Crawfish Rare Meat Feed Raw Steak).
Mount Utopia:Origin Wiki Fandom
OverviewHow to capture a MountHow to make FeedThis page is under construction please bear with us until it is ready Be welcome to add any missing information thank you ! NOTE See Feed Recipes List if a mount is missing from this page The Mount plays an important role in UtopiaOrigin Mounts can not only be used instead of walking but also can also be used to increase the load you can carry without getting a speed debuff You will need at least three things before you can capture a Mount a Wood Club a Mount Saddle and several of the target Mount's capture food See the tables below to find out what each Mount needs as capture food Once you have chosen a Mount to capture and found it in the wild you need to attack it to lower it's HP You can do this with any weapon but be careful if you have a Companion with you because the Companion may kill the Mount Knock the Mount down to about 1/4 HP then hit it with There are three overarching types of Feed Meat Feed is dropped by various wild animals (Turtle Bear and others) In general higher level wild animals drop higher Quality Meat Feed Feed that is not specifically Mount Feed ( Feed) is made at the Work Bench under the Items tab Mount Feed types that have more than one ingredient are made by placing all of the ingredients into a Cooking Pot at the same time Mount Feed that only has one ingredient needs no cooking just give the listed item.
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Utopia: Origin Pets' Production Guide; Milk, Eggs, Wool
Feed Utopia:Origin Wiki Fandom
Utopia:Origin Wiki Fandom Hearth Animals
There are three notable types of Feed in the game Workbench Feed is crafted at a Workbench Feed for capturing Mounts and Companions are made at a Cooking Pot Meat Feeds drop from enemy mobs Workbench Feed Feed Honey Feeds made at a Workbench cost five items matching the type of Feed For example Feed Wheat requires five Wheat in order to craft Most Feed items of this type are used to create Feed for capturing a Mount or Companion.