Surah An Nur Ayat 21. Surah Nur (in Arabic text النور) is the 24th Chapter of Quran with 64 ayats Read and understand this surah with English translation and transliteration.

Ayatayat yang memuat kata “Surah” antara lain Surah AnNur ayat 1 AtTaubah ayat 86 dan AlBaqarah ayat 23 Umumnya pemberian nama surah disesuaikan dengan tema yang dibicarakan surah tersebut atau dengan nama yang telah ada dalam surah seperti “alBaqoroh” “Al ‘Imran” dan “alIsra'” Dalam naskahnaskah kuno AIQuran namanama surah sering dituliskan dengan.
Surah AnNur [24] Translation, Arabic Text, and
Surah YāSīn (Ya Sin) سورة يس Surah 36 Yasin Translations of the Qur’an Chapter 36 YASIN (YASIN) Total Verses 83 Revealed At MAKKA Order in which revealed 41 Regarding Transliteration of this Surah Translations In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful Translations 361 (Y Ali) Ya Sin 361 (Picktall) Ya Sin Tafseer Ibn Kasir Translations 362 (Y Ali) By.
Surat AlBaqarah [2:284286] The Noble Qur'an القرآن
Surat AlBaqarah [verses 284286] To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it Allah will bring you to account for it Then He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills and Allah is over all things competent.
Surah YaSin
AnNur The Light Surah 1 AlFatihah 21 AlAnbya الأنبياء The Prophets 22 AlHajj We’re Hiring Sitemap Surah Yaseen (يس) Ayat AlKursi (آية الكرسي) Surah AlKahf (الكهف) Qurancom is a Sadaqah Jariyah We hope to make it easy for everyone to read study and learn The Noble Quran The Noble Quran has many names including AlQuran AlKareem AlKetab Al.
Surah An Nur Summary The Last Dialogue
Surah Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Surah AnNur 31
164 Surah AnNur
Surah Fatiha [01] Translation and Transliteration
Surah Wikipedia
A surah (/ ˈ s ʊər ə / Arabic سورة romanized sūrah) is the equivalent of “chapter” in the Qur’anThere are 114 surahs in the Quran each divided into ayats (verses) The chapters or surahs are of unequal length the shortest surah has only three verses while the longest contains 286 verses Of the 114 chapters in the Quran 86 are classified as Meccan while 28 are Medinan.