Surah Al Maidah Ayat 1 3. AlQur’an Surat AtTariq Surat Ath Thaariq terdiri atas 17 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Makkiyah diturunkan sesudah surat Al Balad Dinamai Ath Thaariq (yang datang di malam hari) diambil dari perkataan Ath Thaariq yang terdapat pada ayat.

You can also browse the Surah by each Ayat for more clarity By clicking on Listen Surah Tafseer you can access the Tafseer of the whole surah Read Surah Yaseen with Urdu translation MP3 including the audio This surah is the 36th Surah of the Quran the word “Yasin” belongs to ‘Loh e Mehfooz’ and its meaning is Unknown It has five Rukus and eightythree verses Surah is also.
The Noble Quran
Ayatul Kursi Surah Yaseen Surah Al Mulk Surah ArRahman Surah Al Waqi’ah Surah Al Kahf Surah Al Muzzammil Your Bookmarks Show Surah Show Juz 1 AlFatihah The Opener 2 AlBaqarah The Cow 3 Ali ‘Imran Family of Imran 4 AnNisa The Women 5 AlMa’idah The Table Spread 6 AlAn’am The Cattle 7 AlA’raf The Heights 8 AlAnfal The Spoils of War 9 AtTawbah The.
Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Surah Al Maa Idah Ayat 4 3 Alqur Anmulia
AlQur’an Surat AtTariq (Terjemahan Indonesia
AlQur’an Surat AlKahf (Terjemahan Indonesia) SINDOnews
Surah Yaseen with Urdu Translation, Listen & Download
AlQur’an Surat AlKahf Surat ini terdiri atas 110 ayat termasuk golongan suratsurat Makkiyyah Dinamai AlKahfi artinya Gua dan Ashhabul Kahfi yang artinya PenghuniPenghuni Gua Kedua nama ini diambil dari cerita yang terdapat dalam surat ini.