Partus. English words for partus include birth childbirth offspring bearing childbed fetus foetus embryo progeny and young Find more Latin words at wordhippocom!.

partus in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D P Carpenterius Adelungius and others edited by Léopold Favre 1883–1887) partus in Gaffiot Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré LatinFrançais Hachette.
partus in English LatinEnglish Dictionary Glosbe
partus noun particle masculine + grammar translations partus Add childbirth noun en act of giving birth Maria in partu mortua est Mary died during childbirth enwiktionaryorg delivery noun GlosbeResearch birth noun Cum viginti annos nata esset primogenitum peperit She gave birth to her first child at twenty years old Charlton T Lewis Less frequent translations show.
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What does partus mean in Latin? WordHippo
Partus Press EN / IS Hello Crispin Best A Guardian Book of the Month A Poetry School Book of the Year Featured online in Granta Hello is the debut collection of poems by Crispin Best whose unmistakable voice may be the closest we have to a contemporary poetic vernacular The baby chameleon that turns up at the end of Hello could be the book’s totem animal a creature.
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Actim ® Partus is a fast and reliable pointofcare test to identify pregnant women with a real risk of preterm or imminent delivery even before visible signs Preterm delivery (birth that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy) is the leading cause of newborn morbidity and mortality Early detection of highrisk pregnancies is challenging.