Nigella Sativa Semen. Nigella sativa (Black Cumin) is a medicinal spice that appears to be active in the dose used to season food products It has a potent bioactive known as thymoquinone which shows promise in treating epilepsy allergies and boosting the immune system.

Alcoholic extract of N sativa indicated remarkable increment in the production of viable and motile sperm cells enhanced epididymal sperm reservation weight gaining of reproductive organs blood testosterone density gonadotropins content amount of mature Leydig cells and fertility indexes compared to the control group in male rats According to Mohammad et al black cumin thought to trigger a rise in spermatogenesis hormones on pituitary gland and an increase in the weight of.
Nigella sativa Supplement — Health Benefits, Dosage, Side
Nigella sativa is a small black seed that comes from a flowering plant in the Ranunculacea family Native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean it now grows throughout India the Middle East and Europe Nigella sativa has been used for centuries in herbal medicine to treat certain health conditions including asthma bronchitis and inflammation It has also long been used as a spice and food preservative.
Effects of Nigella sativa L. seed oil on abnormal semen
The results indicate that daily intake of 5 ml N sativa oil improves semen quality including sperm count morphology and motility and semen volume pH and round cells in infertile men having abnormal semen parameters The effects of N sativa oil on abnormal semen parameters in the present study agree with the previous study indicating the favorable effects of N sativa oil on male fertility in normal and hyperlipidemic rats (Samir Bashandy 2007).
Nigella Sativa: Benefits, Side Effects, and Preparations
Effects of Nigella sativa L seed oil on abnormal semen quality in infertile men a randomized doubleblind placebocontrolled clinical trial In recent years wide utilization of herbal drugs has encouraged scientists to determine their impressive effects on health.
Learn How To Reverse Multiple Sclerosis With Nigella Sativa Your 1 Stop Center
Effects of Nigella sativa L. seed oil on abnormal semen
(Black Cumin): A Nigella sativa L. Promising Natural Remedy
Pengaruh Pemberian Nigella sativa Semen Ekstrak Terhadap
Aqueous Extract Nigella sativa Seeds Antioxidant activity of
Nigella sativa semen ekstrak 3×550 mg Kapsul Nigella sativa semen ekstrak yang dipakai pada penelitian ini adalah Zolit® produksi dari PT Borobudur Herbal Industri Variabel tergantung adalah kadar prokalsitonin kadar TNFα dan lama perbaikan klinis Kadar prokalsitonin dan TNFα di periksa di RS dr Moewardi Surakarta.