Mysql History Table. MySQL was created by a Swedish company MySQL AB founded by Swedes David Axmark Allan Larsson and Finland Swede Michael “Monty” Widenius Original development of MySQL by Widenius and Axmark began in 1994 The first version of MySQL appeared on 23 May 1995.

/ MySQL Performance Schema / Performance Schema Table Descriptions / Performance Schema Statement Event Tables / The events_statements_history Table 251262 The events_statements_history Table The events_statements_history table contains the N most recent statement events that have ended per thread.
MySQL table design for history table Database
Timeline of MySQL Unireg which is the code base of MySQL was started in 1981 MySQL was founded in 1995 in Sweden In 2000 MySQL went open source so it could be accessed and used by all In the year 2001 Marten Mickos was elected as the CEO of MySQL In the year 2002 MySQL launched its headquarters in USA in addition to Sweden headquarters.
MYSQL History Table Stack Overflow
the structure of the history table will be the same as the data table it tracks except for three additional columns a column to store the operation that occured (let’s call it ‘action’) the date and time of the operation and a column to store a sequence number (‘revision’) which increments per operation and is grouped by the primary key.
MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: The
MySQL Forums Forum List » General Advanced Search New Topic history table Posted by Adrian Cazan Date February 25 2011 1020AM Hello everybody I’ll need some ideas on creating a history db I was thinking of something like Accounttype1date1type2date2type3date3.
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MySQL Wikipedia
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When you create a Temporal table the History table will be created automatically If you don’t specify the history table name as a parameter in the SYSTEM_VERSIONING clause it will be named with the naming pattern MSSQL_TemporalHistoryFor_.