Ingredients Garnier Pure Active Sensitive Anti Acne Cleansing Gel. A new generation of soap free gel wash with Zinc and Witch Hazel extract formulated for sensitive skin with imperfections that combines effectiveness against blemishes with a gentle formula Helps eliminate the appearance of spots without drying out skin .

Cleansing gel for oily combination and blemishprone skin Removes sebum and impurities visibly reduces pores size Antibacterial formula containing Salicylic Acid and Purifying Zinc for a double action Removing impurities leaving the skin perfectly clean and purified Tightening the look of pores and refreshing skin size 200 mL.
AntiBlemish SoapFree Gel Wash Garnier Pure Active
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Garnier Pure Active Sensitive Anti Acne Cleansing Gel
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Garnier pure active sensitive cleansing gel 50 ml Pembersih wajah wanita dalam format gel Membersihkan kulit dan mengurangi minyak berlebih dan jerawat Mengandung Purifying Zinc dan Ekstrak Witch Hazel yang melembutkan Pembersih wajah wanita dengan format gel untuk kulit sensitif rentan berjerawat Dapat membersihkan dengan lembut dan mengurangi minyak.
Garnier Pure Active Sensitive Anti Blemish Gel Wash 150ml
Garnier Pure Active Series Sensitive Matcha Antiacne
Garnier Pure Active Sensitive AntiBlemish Gel Wash
Garnier Pure Active Cleansing Gel 50ml Sensitive Anti Acne
Pure Active Sensitive AntiAcne Cleansing Gel Garnier
Garnier Pure Active Sensitive AntiAcne Cleansing Gel
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Active Cleansing Gel, 200 mL Garnier Pure
Pembersih wajah wanita dalam format gel Membersihkan kulit dan mengurangi minyak berlebih dan jerawat Mengandung Purifying Zinc dan Ekstrak Witch Hazel yang melembutkan Garnier Pure Active Sensitive Anti Acne Cleansing Gel 50ml | Lazada Indonesia.