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Use Hive jars of specified version downloaded from Maven repositories This configuration is not generally recommended for production deployments A classpath in the standard format for the JVM This classpath must include all of Hive and its dependencies including the correct version of Hadoop These jars only need to be present on the driver.
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“Memories” is a song by French disc jockey David Guetta featuring American rapper Kid Cudi It was released in February 2010 as the fourth single from Guetta’s fourth studio album One LoveThe song became a top five hit in Austria Belgium Czech Republic Australia the Netherlands Finland Poland New Zealand France and Ireland.
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Use Hive jars of specified version downloaded from Maven repositories This configuration is not generally recommended for production deployments A classpath in the standard format for the JVM This classpath must include all of Hive and its dependencies including the correct version of Hadoop These jars only need to be present on the driver.