Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon. The following calendars show days when the Moon Sun and inner planets favor certain activities for those born under the sign of Capricorn and for people who have a Capricorn Ascendant The calendar shows opportunity periods as well as days when extra caution is in order Note that these calendars are best used with the sign of your Ascendant See the legend below for a key.

Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become your Moon in Scorpio describes who you already are Born with the Moon in Scorpio you are likely to be sensitive and loyal but have intense emotional needs Scorpio is a Water sign which relates to the emotional psychological and spiritual dimensions of life.
January 2nd, 2022: Capricorn New Moon — Ruby Slipper Astrology
About the use of gender in these posts Although “she” is used for the Moon and “he” is used for the Sun these pronouns are only used for convenience You can look at a man’s Moon and a woman’s Sun or the Moon and Sun placements for the partners in a samesex couple.
Moon Sign Compatibility In Relationships YourTango
Capricorn offers much needed stability to Scorpio’s deep emotional intensity and Scorpio offers an exciting energy that Capricorn finds hard to resist Scorpio is a fixed sign preferring to ride with the status quo rather than make a lot of lastminute changes (especially for plans they’ve put a lot of thought into) As a cardinal sign.
Your Moon Sign in Capricorn in Astrology
Scorpio Communication is key as the year begins Scorpio The Capricorn new moon will be centered in your third house adding quite a busy energy to your schedule Important meetings discussions.
Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon The Soul Bender The Sorceress And The Super Villainess Sometimes Love And Even Life Itself Really Is A Battlefield Hexagon Astrology Matthew David Savinar
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Moon transits through 12 signs or houses in about 295 days and hence spent around 2 days and 11 hours in each zodiac signs A person with a Moon Sign has effect on his or her life when Moon enters a zodiac sign with the combination of the position of Sun in a Zodiac sign .