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Agents are the playable characters in VALORANT representing an agent of the VALORANT Protocol Each agent serves as a different class with four abilities and has a unique Contract Agents have one Signature Ability which they get for free each round Riot was aiming to launch the game with 12 agents but only 8 were available in the early press builds The March 29.
Agents Valorant Wiki Fandom
The Vseries is the second family of nerve agents and contains five well known members VE VG VM VR and VX along with several more obscure analogues The most studied agent in this family VX was invented in the 1950s at Porton Down in the United Kingdom Ranajit Ghosh a chemist at the Plant Protection Laboratories of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) was.
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Agency (psychology) an attribute of humans and nonhuman animals Agent (economics) an actor and decision maker in a model Agent (grammar) in linguistics the thematic relation of a cause or initiator to an event Agent noun a word identifying an actor derived from a word denoting an action Cleaning agent a substance used to remove bad.
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